Archive | April 2017


Man can be exception but never the rule

So for those of you, like me seeking from them what’s missing within

I tell you this, that Road will lead to more pain than you’ll ever know

Because we are human and at the end of the day by definition flawed in every way

I say this with love, pain and tears I have shed along the way 

In hopes you’ll hear what it is I have to say

We are damaged and in ways that seem irreparable 

And that’s what this world will have believe and embrace making it our truth

But the truth is you have to wrestle the dark that once brought you false comfort 

In its cold embrace 

Break the chains binding you to the million pound weights that has kept you down

In self doubt and hate 

Afraid to love, building walls year in and year out with each betrayal 

It’s time to be free and love yourself in its entirety, be what you should be 

And not what this world wants you to be.

There’s a evil alive and fed in this world growing stronger everyday 

Its goal to snuff out the light…..the few that’s left in this world anyway 

Protect your light, protect yourself and don’t let the monster win

Don’t let the negativity and hate win, do not by consumed and join the Frey 

Be the trendsetter instead that lights the way

Helping the lost souls that cross your path, to find themselves the same way

Be patient because once we too was there

Love yourself, love those around you and never lose sight of your self. 

Since energy is contagious spread yours in hopes it’ll spark change 

Because at the end of the day 

Besides God, that’s all we have left anyway.

Be thankful for the good, bad, failures and successes 

Because at the end of it all we are still here today 

Stronger, smarter wiser in every way

I hope this message finds you well, and my love felt through these words.

I’m tired of building walls, no longer will I fear love, or be shamed for who I am.

I love me just the way I am.

What about you? 

Aren’t you ready for this change?

Break it down 

Your amazing with words

Energy is so raw

Yea your cute 

But what else?

You talk a good game, you say the right things

But in the end you’re nothing but broken promises 

You remind a lot of my brother and I learned from him

He’s the best, spinning tales of fancy that call to your soul but in the end

Your left with nothing but disappointment, years wasted, broken heart in hand 

And a pocketful of shattered dreams 

The vacant spot that once housed your beating heart, is now filled with bitterness, anger and despair 

I have seen many on this path before and as you entered my life I saw that very same path laid before me, I look up and see your extended hand and the smile that hides many lies.

Yea you’ve told the truth, but only what would make you look better in my eyes.

Its clear the invitation laid before me 

It’s so tempting, the pleasure and promise of good times 

This offer comes with a pain that I am all too familiar with and as much as I’d like to go with the flow and get lost in you…..and this ….whatever this is

However it is true this path I have been on has been lonely at time, but I trust God to guide and continue to show me the way.

I know it’s not for everybody, but I can no longer abide and entertain those beneath me 

Should their toxic energy stunt my budding growth.

After all energy is contagious and mindsets addicting, what I need is those who’ll fan my flames that I can aspire to, on my personal journey in life.

Sadly you are not it, and with this realization,

I must respectfully decline, but know this my love for you unlike your words is real.

-love always 


Truth is 

So I’m not worth your time at my heaviest 
But I’m worth your time now that I’m slimmer 

I’m not as slim as your preference so you propose fuck buddy

I’m not yet beautiful enough to meet your standard of beauty 

I must have pathetic low self esteem cum dumpster written on my forehead

For you to think it alright to approach me this way 

Well the truth is at my worst I was way out of your league 

And now that I’m getting my shit together you aren’t even worth the courtesy of a response 

Much less the three minutes of sweat your advertising

The truth is I know my worth and my value and I shan’t be sharing any parts of my awesome 

with you.

So take my lack of response as the most respectful decline to your offer that I can muster.
To the fuckboy who messaged me

From Goddess Hannah